Alexander Russell ☕️
Alexander Russell


I am a Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Connecticut.

Other roles of mine at the University:

Download CV
  • Cryptography
  • Blockchain Protocols
  • Quantum Computing
  • Algorithms
  • Harmonic Analysis
  • Security of Electronic Voting
  • Statistical Election Auditing
  • Ph.D. Mathematics

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • S.M. Computer Science

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • B.A. Mathematics

    Cornell Univeristy

  • B.A. Computer Science

    Cornell Univeristy

📚 Research

Over the last few years, my research has focused on design and analysis of consensus algorithms, complexity-theoretic cryptography, rigorous approaches for election auditing, and topics in quantum cryptography.

Remarks for potential Ph.D. students and postdocs. I am primarily interested in what can be formally proven in various computational settings, so strong candidates will have mathemtaical maturity and breadth consistent with a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics. I also occasionally accept Ph.D. students for work in the Voting Technology Research Center, which focuses more on computer security and applied cryptography.

Recent Publications